Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hi everyone!! What a great general conference sunday it is! I have decided to try to keep up with this blog page that I made back at SVU again. Just a quick update on my life for those I havn't been able to get in touch with since being back from my mission - I am currently studying at BYU (provo) and I love it here! I got home from my mission on July 18th 2013.  I cannot put into words of what kind of impact my mission in Belo Horizonte, Brasil made on my life. The people that I was so privileged to meet on my mission (members, converts, president & family, companions..ect) have made a profound impact on my life and who I am. They have taught me invaluable lessons and eternal principles.

I have felt the spirit of the Lord so strongly since being home.  Yesterday was a highlight. My incredible grandparents came out to visit who are from Washington D.C.   We went out to dinner a couple times which were great opportunities to get to know my grandparents better. I really look up to them and they constantly amaze me with their stories. They inspire me very much. I have learned from their example of the example of an eternal marriage as well as their incredible temple service along with the many other accomplishments they have had in their lives on others.

On saturday we went to general conference which was great! I was my first time going in person. When the tabernacle choir sang "Israel, Israel, God is Calling" I felt the spirit incredibly strong. I feel like those moments give us a glimpse of how it will feel to enter into the Lords presence with our family. Anyway, I will try to write on here every sunday to give a report on my weekly highlights!

Love you all!

for those I havn't had a chance to call/get in touch with yet, sorry! call/text me!
302-463-6325 (changed)

Till later!!

Love, Andrew Jones

 Ok, eu nao tinha tempo de escrever tudo de novo, entao eu usei google translator, nao e muito bom, mas acho que faz sentindo ainda..

Oi a todos ! O que um grande general conferência domingo é! Eu decidi tentar manter-se com esta página do blog que eu fiz para trás, SVU novamente. Apenas uma rápida atualização sobre a minha vida por aqueles que eu hav não foram capazes de entrar em contato com uma vez estar de volta de minha missão - Atualmente, estou estudando na BYU (Provo ) e eu adoro isso aqui! Cheguei em casa da minha missão no dia 18 de julho 2013 . Eu não posso colocar em palavras de que tipo de impacto a minha missão em Belo Horizonte, Brasil fez em minha vida. As pessoas que eu era tão privilegiada para atender a minha missão ( membros, convertidos , Presidente e família , companheiros .. ect ) fizeram um profundo impacto sobre a minha vida e quem eu sou. Eles me ensinaram lições valiosas e princípios eternos .

Eu senti o Espírito do Senhor tão forte desde que foi para casa. Ontem foi um destaque. Meus avós incríveis saiu para visitar que estão a partir de Washington DC Nós saímos para jantar algumas vezes , que foram grandes oportunidades para conhecer melhor os meus avós . Eu realmente olhar para eles e eles sempre me surpreender com suas histórias. Eles me inspiram muito. Tenho aprendido com o exemplo do exemplo de um casamento eterno , bem como o seu serviço templo incrível , juntamente com muitas outras conquistas que eles tiveram em suas vidas sobre os outros.

No sábado fomos para a conferência geral que foi ótimo! Eu era a minha primeira vez indo em pessoa. Quando o tabernáculo coro cantou "Israel , Israel, Deus está chamando " Eu senti o espírito incrivelmente forte. Eu me sinto como naqueles momentos nos dar uma idéia de como ele vai se sentir ao entrar na presença Lordes com a nossa família. De qualquer forma, vou tentar escrever aqui todos os domingos para dar um relatório sobre meus destaques semanais!

Amo todos vocês !

para aqueles que hav teve a chance de chamar / entrar em contato com , no entanto, sorry! chamar / text me !
302-463-6325 ( alterado)

Até mais tarde !

Amor, Andrew Jones

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A few photo updates...

Outside the fancy homes in the city

Streets of Brazil

Andrew was pretty excited to get his packages...

2/7/2012 Letter

Dear Family and Friends, 

This week was pretty dang cool. We brought 3 girls to church that we've been teaching this past week-including Matteus.  I dont know how to say it in english but they are 'moces'..young women. I don't think that translates correctly. But anyway, sunday was fast and testimony meeting. President has made it a rule that all missionaries need to share a short testimony every testimony meeting which I think is a good idea to keep up the missionary excitment in the ward. Before I went to share my testimony, I said a quick prayer to put the words in my mouth that I needed to say in order to help our investigators and members feel the spirit. I felt that I should share a few verses from mosiah 14 which I had been studying sat morning. I ended up reading a few verses i think it was 5-8ish. I ended up talking about the atonement and a little about the importance of baptism. 

At the end of sacrament meeting a counselor came up to me and said I have somebody who wants to talk to you. He moved to the side and this guy who is looks exactly and acts exactly like the actor in that movie 'the RM' (the friend who is a rebel) asked if he could talk to us in another room privately.  He told us that he has been coming to church off and on for about a year and rejected tons of missionaries. He said that during my testimony he had felt the spirit and wanted to be baptised that day. Elder Brasil and I stood there in amazement. For those who have served a mission, you understand the amazement of somebody coming to you and saying that. It's the best thing of all time. After I write this we're gonna meet with him in the chapel and fill up the font for the baptism of matteus tonight which we're excited for (we got shot down for monday since it's family home evening night). People in brasil are actually really into family home evening...i think brasilian members understand missionary work a lot better than Americans...probably because everyone is a convert and understands the importance of sharing the gospel. It's pretty cool to watch. 

Yesterday was Zone its really weird to say that in english..everything i type I want to type in portuguese.. But I thought that it would be a good idea to get there a little early since I hate taking a slow bus and having to run to get there on time. Elder brasil claimed he knew where the capella was...the church haha..we got off the onibus, walked for about an hour looking for the church. finally we found someone who knew where the church was..he gave us wrong directions and this continued for about another 30 min. FINALLY we found the church...drenched in sweat in downtown BH. we ran up to the doors and they were locked. I  looked at elder brasil and said 'check it..check the other one..' He checked it...locked too. I yelled FRRREEEEAAAAAKKKK!!!!..surely everyone in the city heard me..It was like arnold shwarznegger..i dont known how to spell that..on jingle all the way when he was trying to get home on time. We ended up taking another onibus and running for about another hour to finally find the right building in another neighborhood...neighborhoods in brasil are like another city. President watched us walk in to the chapel and sit on the side about an hour or so late. He never asked us what happened...i think out of complete pity.  It's really gross when you're sitting in a suit soaking wet.

Conference was amazing like it always is. President showed us that NOWHERE in the scriptures or in PME does it say anything about a promise of receiving a 'answer'..or reposta in portuguese. Thats because we dont recieve an 'answer'. We are promised that we will know the truth through a 'testimony' through the 'feelings of the holy ghost'. It also says in PME that its a 'process'. I realized that sometimes when i tell my investigators that they will recieve an 'answer' they begin waiting for something marvelous to  occur. They are waiting for angel moroni himself to appear in their living room and say, ok you can be baptised now. Thats not how it works. Thats why we have alma chp 32.

Anyway, Im excited for this week. This area is obviously a lot harder to baptise in..but you cant think that. Almost everyone here are filthy rich..i understand why the missionaries taught where they taught now (back at home) ..hahha. The beginning of this transfer was really hard..only one baptism, but this week we will have 2 or more. 

I think I may have seen my first dead person on the side of the highway on the way to conference the other day..that was odd. 

Mom, I received the contacts..Ill finish the ones that I have in right now and then try out the others, let you know how they are and then you can order more right? sweet. I still have more of the 2 week ones too.. Davis..come on, be a gotta open your eye and throw them in..hahaha..

k im gonna send some pics now in another email. Love you all and hope all is well. Mom, the weather here is beautiful..there are no big spiders..

Love, Elder Jones

Monday, February 6, 2012

Letter to Mom (11/7/11)

Dear Mom,

Okay, P-day flies by - I just got done washing, cleaning, and organizing.  I can't write everyone although I might haha. But I just wanted to write this letter to you and thank you for everything that I am.  My faith and hard work come from both you and Dad, but without you I'd be lost just like if I didn't have Dad.  There is no greater blessing then to have you and Dad as my parents and teachers.  I relate your relationship to me as my relationship to Christ.  In John 13-15 Christ tells his disciples that they are his friends because he has given everything he has to them even a portion of His Spirit.  This is how I feel about you as well.  Every single time/day out here - especially when things get hard - (because this is not easy work) I think of you or Dad and see you face on the sidelines cheering me on when I fall.  Elder Kendrick gave me a copy of the poem "The Race" before we left the MTC because every time I read it I think of you and Dad as the father or Heavenly Father.  Help James as much as you can (It's hard sometimes and everyone needs somebody to look to).  The news about his call is unbelievable.  It brings so much joy to me.  Anyway, I just wanted to write this letter to say thank you for everything that you've done for me and are still doing.  It means a lot for me.  When I think of my family I don't feel homesick because I know they would have me work harder just like my Heavenly Father that I might "win the race" at the last day.  I think of one of the last lines in "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" - "Of them I have not been ashamed," I know we will see Christ smiling at us one day just like in the "Testaments" when the father finally sees Christ.  Wow - what a blessing to have this knowledge!  Anyway, I better write James and get him pumped and stoked for Brasil!  Wow!  I can't believe that!  "Que Bensao" as president would say (what a blessing).  Love you so much,

Your son in the army,

Elder Jones

Christmas Letter to Dad

Dear Dad,

Surprise!! (like Stephen on Nacho Libre).  Feliz Natal all the way from Brasil.  I wanted to write you this short letter as one of my Christmas presents to you (I already wrote the other one that you opened earlier this morning).  Anyway, the mission is great.  Whenever times get hard here I always think of you and your determination to work hard and 'do hard things' like you said in your last letter.  It's really true that we have such a huge opportunity to do hard things here. It'll all be over so quickly and we'll look back and be happy that we weren't lazy.  If only every one of our investigators could understand this....

Time has been passing by quickly.  The harder you work, the faster time passes.  I'm grateful for a mission president who is like you too - he is awesome.  I think I"m now starting to understand some of the things you do.  When you do stuff cheap and tacky (you know, in order to save 3 cents or whatnot)...I'm doing the same thing.  It's pretty sweet.  It's kind of weird though because I feel like I'm becoming the same person as you sometimes haha.  I love to read the letters that you send every week and hear that the Lord continues to bless the family with temporal and spiritual blessings.  Sometimes it's hard to believe that we've been blessed so much - sometimes life just seems too perfect.

I'm extremely grateful, more than you'll ever know, for your unwavering example throughout the years.  Whenever I"m working out in the morning, doing push-ups or whatever, I think of what an awesome opportunity we have to 'do hard things.'  Then, when I'm out in the streets and people are doing everything they can to stop me or the work from progressing, I hum 'Let us all press on' in my head and think of the reward that we will receive if we have faith and put our shoulder to the wheel.

This work is amazing.  It is true that every step I take in this work and in my life is very much a part of you and your influence.  In a way, you will be able to serve multiple missions through me, Spencer, and Davis.  I'm so grateful to be your son.  Have an awesome year - I will continue to pray for your success and the family's success.  Thanks for everything.  I love you.


Elder Jones

Old December letters- 12/14/2011

Dear Mom and Dad,

Glad to hear everything is going well, I try to write handwritten letters as often as I can but unfortunately P-day is nothing like it used to be (like in the MTC) haha.

You are really free on your mission to manage your time. Obviously there are lots of rules, but outside of that it's really up to you to manage your time and work hard.  I can see how it's such great training for life because that's how life is (along with a million other worries) haha.  I always thought that the mish would be some what of a "break" but not when the commandment is to serve with all your heart, might, mind, and strength.  Anything less isn't enough (to stand blameless before God at the last day - Section 4 of the Doctrine and Covenants).

I really think if every missionary understood Section 4 we wouldn't have any problems.  I love to show that Section to recent converts who are 16 or 14 and hesitant to serve a mission because they're not familiar with it or they think they won't be any good.  It says clearly that all you need to "embark on this great work" is a desire (not a degree).  The Spirit is the teacher - not you, you just have to know how to humble yourself (which isn't as easy as it sounds sometimes).

One thing I've learned while being out here is how sensitive the Spirit is.  Understanding how to teach and live with the Spirit is the trick to life.  The Spirit will leave with one thought, one neglected commandment, etc...  President Eyring visited us one year ago and he told the missionaries to "get out of the way of the Spirit."  The mission is no "a break" when you live it right.  This is harder work then ever but its also the most rewarding.  If you're serving the right way you are worried about your investigators and the work from the moment you get up until you lay down to pass out. 

It's true what is always said about how time flies when you are working hard and are busy.  I was reading my brand new copy of the Novembro Liahona (we got December too) that we received yesterday at the office.  I'm excited to read every General Conference talk in Portuguese!  But, I was reading the first talk./opening remarks with President Monson. first thing that he talked about was how time flies when you ar busy - its true.  We're only here for so long so lets live life the best we know how.  I often read Alma 34:32 to people (especially after teaching the Plan of Salvation and before committing them to be baptized) where it says "this is the life for men to prepare to meet God, yea behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors."

The past few weeks I've continued to study the special October edition of the Liahona (that we received in the MTC and were asked by President to read cover to cover) where I left off.  It's truly amazing.  I read part of a talk (Neil C. Anderson) this week where he mentioned 2 Nephi 2:6, he quoted "redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth" and this is really what hit me hard when I read this the Spirit almost knocked me dead 2 Nehpi 9:41.  He is "the keeper of the gate and he employeth no servant there."  I've read that many times before - but wow - it meant something completely different to me this time.  I can't believe the love that our Savior has for us.  The more I come to know Him, the more I realize that His love for each of us is incomprehendable.  He stays there at the gate, He  stays for cada uno de nos (each one of us).

Everything is going just great here.  I continue to pray for each one of you - for you success at work to Mary being happy.  That's the way the Lord would have it.  For many to be just as happy as me - why would it be any different?  Don't forget to read the scriptures.  When we forget to read we're neglecting the Lord's power to perform miracles in our life that we all can't afford to live without.  I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have this Christmas to worry about other people and not me.  The Lord would have it no other way.  Elder Holland told us in the MTC that "you're going out to help people not suffer."  He also said with the utmost assurance, "we're gling to find ways to serve the children of God," "We're going to be the diciples of the Lord Jesus Christ together."  I'm grateful for your support and testimony.  I'm working hard - there's no other way to live this life!  Life is always good!


Elder Jones

Old December letters- 12/7/2011

Dear Mom & Dad,

How's everything going?  I'm doing great here in Brazil.  Everyone will be baptized her in Contegem by the time Elder Costa and I are done here!  haha.  One thing I've learned about the mission that is really important to have is a vision.  It's the same thing with anything in life - without a vision you're prone to laziness and procrastination.  I really liked what Dad said in one of his last letter about Paul and how he had such great success in missionary work because of how excited he was.  I think that goes for everything in life.  Another thing that I'm learning to deal with better is disappointment.  Two nights ago we found a family that I thought was elect.  They all had a date except for the mom who we know would after the next lesson.  They seemed excited to learn more and we were excited as well.  We fasted and had been praying for a family to teach.  When we returned the next night, I peeked through a hole in their door (fence thing) and saw the father sitting on the step.  After walking for 40 minutes we were ready to teach.  Wiping the sweat from our face, I knocked on the door.  The wife came out to the door to tell us that ther husband wasn't home and that he wasn't prepared and wanted nothing else to do with the Church.  It was hard for us to keep our mouths shut and not say that we already saw him and yell "hello" but everyone has the ability to exercise their agency.  We walked away knowing that we had done our part in testifying of the truth and that we had done our best.  That's all we can do in life sometimes - It's hard.

Experiences like these just make it all the sweeter when your investigators stay firm and grow and strong testimony.  Yesterday we were "batando portas" (hitting doors) and one woman let us in.  She told us the missionaries had already stopped by before and she had already gone to Church.  We began the first lesson but then she told us that her children had died and that is why she now lives by herself.  We quickly change the lesson plan to the Plan of Salvation.  At first she wasn't  buying it very well I don't  think but  then the Spirit kicked in.  I really think she felt the Spirit when we told her that she could see her family again.  I bore my testimony at the end about my family and how the Plan of Salvation means everything to me.  I told her that all I wanted was to live "there" (Pointing to the Reino Celestial on the puzzle that we always use  from Brother Holland) with my family.  I always bear my testimony also that we don't have much time here on this earth and this is why we need to keep focused and not lose focus of our "vision" which is Eternal Life with our families.  The Spirit was incredibly strong and I almost started balling, but I was  man and fought it - don't worry.  She said that she would be baptized.  She is really addicted to smoking so pray for her too! (Dona Maria)  We told her that we were there to help her and that she could do it with the Lord's help.

The work is really hard - but it's most rewarding than anything else.  Every month or so I read a talk that my teacher at the MTC gave us by Tad R. Callister entitled "Becoming a Consecrated Missionary."  It's kind of like my spiritual steroids.  I read that along with "The Race" - that poem that I already mentioned to you before.  I try and look at the big picture.  I try to look at how short the mission really is and put things into perspective.  It's really a short period of time when you think about it.  I would suggest that you read both of these together too.  They should be on the Internet some where.  Relate it to our life here.  It's really a spiritual experience.

Christmas is weird here.  People have little fake Christmas trees and decorative stuff in their houses but it doesn't feel like Christmas at all.  It's probably beacuse of the weather - haha.  Don't worry - I';m not depressed or anything - it's just funny I think.  I listen to Dad's Christmas music on my iPod almost every morning while I make and eat breakfast.  I love Christmas music - It reminds me of living in Maryland listening to Christmas music before going to open presents on Christmas morning.  Man! what great memories we have as a family!  I"m so grateful for the opportunity I have this year to serve the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  There is no better way to try and rpay him than striving to become a consecrated missionary and bring other unto Him so that this perfect atonement may take effect in their lives as well.  I'm so grateful for the Spirit and joy that accompanies Elder Costa and I everyday here.  I love you both and thank you for all that you've done and still do. 

Feliz Natal,

Love Elder Jones