Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Andrew's Testimony.

Andrew sent this home- he wants all his friends and family to know why he went on a mission:

I would like to share a few thoughts and principles of my faith that bring my all the joy that I have in my life.  I would like everyone that reads this to know that I know that we have a living and loving Father in Heaven.  He knows us by name. He cares about us.  He wants to see us succeed.  He loved you and I so much that He gave His perfect Son, even Jesus Christ to atone for the sins that we commit each day.  With Christ's atonement, I know that we are all able to return to live with Heavenly Father and His Son. It is only through Him that we are able to return.  This requires our humility, patience, and faith.  If anyone desires to know of the joy which I have felt in my life and feel so much now, as I have the opportunity to preach His gospel to the world, I would ask you with sincerity to please "excersize a particle of faith."  If this is your desire to come closer to Christ and know how you can have eternal life with your family after death, know that this is possible. Know that you are able to KNOW it. I know it because I sincerely prayed about the Book of Mormon. I have asked if the book and all that it is in it is true. We all, everyone on the earth, is promised a very direct promise that if we follow what the Book of Mormon asks in the last 2 paragraphs on the introduction of the book. Just as Joseph Smith testified that the promise is real, I too testify with all my being.  The Lord will reveal the truth of the book unto you IF you will only excersize a partical of faith by reading moroni 10:3-5 and the last 2 paragraphs of the introductions and if you will pray and ask your Father in Heaven if the book is true, ponder it in your heart and ask with sincerity. I know that this will change your life and the Lord will pour out His blessings upon you if you will only do these simple things. I know that He lives and you can too.
Love you all, God speed.
-Elder Jones

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